<aside> 💡 Hi! Thank you so much for being a part of the podcast. While our discussion is not scripted, it is structured to make sure we cover all the topics of interest.

The purpose of this guide is to provide a sense of what we will talk about, and to give you the opportunity to collect your thoughts before we record.

This guide describes the general structure of the interview, some of the specific questions we would like to discuss with you, and tips for getting the best audio.



First, I'll briefly introduce you and welcome you to the podcast. For each episode of Behind the Scenes podcast, we will invite two speakers- a Research Associate/ Research Manager and a senior woman researcher - Principal Investigator (PI). The RA/ RM will be invited to host the episode and have a well-rounded conversation with the PI to give the listeners a peak in the process of research, field experiences, etc.

Part 1: Introduce your paper & research interests

Part 2: Field experiences